Breaking FREE from the Spell of the Naïve Mind
My comments on another substack writer's important article
I made this comment on this post:
It's an important article trying to tackle the last 3 years of planned sterilization, torture and murder of millions of humans and animals aka “The Great Reset” but also the author is sadly naïve.
Aren’t we all at times.
Very important points the author, Sansone, makes. We all start somewhere.
Here's my addition to his wonderful article.
Love to hear what you think.
Love it or hate it or improve on us both:
My comments and replying to other’s comments which you can read all these at the bottom of their article as well.
And, half way won't cut it on the road to Freedom.
Religion is their tool for mind-con-troll.
It worked 2000 years ago to destroy Rome in less than 100 years. And it's been used for the 2000+ years since to take over almost every mind in every nation since. Too many minds. Too many hearts are abeyance to mind control myths created to brain-warsh and destroy from the inside out. A little truth is used to hide all the lies snaring the unsuspecting naïve "citizen " of our world. Media, movies, printed material and "religions" are all infiltrated and often designed from the group up to be the tools, the weapons of mass destruction of your freedom from right within your own mind.
I wrote:
DeSantis et al are entirely owned by the banqster mapheeuh. He has no autonomy. He is a blackmailed sheeel puppet mouth piece bully, henchman and professional distraction, liar, actor.
He has no authority of his own. He is the mouth piece for those who have taken con-troll, in their opinion, of our entire world through coercion threats bullying, blk mail, abuse, peedofeeliuh, torchur n mirdir.
This is how they role / roll. They con-troll trump 1000% and ANY and ALL other puppet "politician" aka actor, mouth piece, puppet, fool.
They own con-troll "both sides" - 2 wings of the same bird.
Their on NO ELECTIONS ever. Never has been ever. Only SELECTIONS.
NO ONE is coming to save us.
WE have to save ourselves and each other by unifying and we can only unify by growing up by getting real and DEprograming from all the lies they've fed us since conception and, we begin to heal the traumas which we carry from our ancestors a 1000 generations back.
And, we reach out to one another with both humility and strength, wisdom and openness, and conviction and flexibility that the human race will heal and transform from our current state of codependent, Stockholm-syndromed, abused and battered spouse of our own fake guvmint, mind-control apparatus.
We are all in an relationship with raypessts, torchurers and mirdirirs.
And, most people are in utter denial of this reality. And even those that do understand some level of who's behind this if they are still clinging to their main-stream religion, too, of hellywud or judeochristisnmuslim-isms and other -isms, too, then they are only half way up the mountain.
And, half-way won't cut it on the road to Freedom.
“Religion” / media is their tool for mind-con-troll.
It worked 2000 years ago to destroy Rome in less than 100 years.
And, it's been used for the 2000+ years since to take over almost every mind in every nation since.
Too many minds, too many hearts are abeyance to mind-control myths aka “religions” (plagiarized, STOLEN from the beautiful and TRUE mystics of our world throughout the ages) and media aka movies, “news”, comedies, cartoons, video games etc, to brain-warsh and destroy from the inside out.
A little truth is used to hide all the lies snaring the unsuspecting naïve "citizens" of our world.
Media, movies, printed material and "religions" are all infiltrated and often designed from the get-go up to be the tools, the weapons of mass destruction of your freedom from right within your own mind. -
Here are some additional comments I made in the comments section of this post. Read all the comments they have a few smart people in them.
More of my comments /replies on other’s commments:
DeSantis will never ever stand up. He's a paid sheel henchmen mirdurur. He's owned. You will never find rescue in these politicians as they are awl owned. Every single last one of them. They are there to distract you and to divide you, to worship and to hate. They are there to waste your time while the real "power mongers" puppeteers destroy the very Earth beneath you and you're not looking because they've trained you to look any other way except right where they are and how they are raypeein tirchurin mirdirin you and anyone else they deem.
PS "they" own the "justice" system too. The operative word in criminal justice system is "crininal" - the system is criminal.
They've had it awl planned for centuries. Seriously. They've used the disease fear/poison solution to control/cull the field / and take over lands for 1000s of years. -
Go watch click on the Odysee image link and watch as many videos on there that you possibly can all the way through to the end. The most important investigative reporter in our world.
And go read:
All my love dear family of humanity
All my love dear Beauties,
-Diaspora Of Love
-Saralina Love