Sad, wrong, criminal. Not surprised. We need a movement of SS writers to address this. Thanks.

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YES, you are so correct!!

You are so welcome!

Please share this and let's get this dialogue going with other writer's to somehow stop these vapid psychopaths.

It's so pervasive. They are using our words in phone calls to write their eveel "movie" mind controlling scripts for all their media whoring and destruction of the human mind capitalizing on people's need for stories and need to quell their loneliness and search for meaning and excitement, search for feeling since so many are so devoid of such things because of how the bangstur mafia have set up our world and have destroyed natural, loving family, community systems in sooooo many ways on purpose.

And, they've done it without our direct permission and knowledge!!!

I found deep within my susbstack writer's settings that I'd never even seen before! that that you can toggle these things "on or off."

It was automatically set to "ON" to upload my fricking words, articles, essence into the AI harvesting, plagiarizing eveeel robot entity that the bank-sterrr mafia created!

They've been plagiarizing people for millennia and churning out mind controlling religions and such for over 3000 years from precious people's wise poetry and stories and putting these beautiful utterances into their malicious, social conditioning apparati of all sorts giving people a little bit of light, a little bit of beauty, a little bit of TRUTH and then, paper machaying all over it with their garbage lies and poison mind stuff.

They are stealing our whole world's beautiful and maybe not-so-beautiful essences to offer it back up the vapid, creativity-less, mind thieves like themselves.

They cull the fields of the internets to build political "speeches" they write for their puppet, slave talking-heads who take the wrap and are stoned or beloved by the fools who believe in the death-cult-puppeteer's human shields and voice boxes for their theatrical, diabolical distractions.

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Shit! This sucks. How can they get away with this?

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Yup, i found this out by reading my "settings" in Substack something that i'd never seen before!

They actually had it automatically selectted that I "SHARE" my words, writings, essence with the fricking AI CLOUD that uploads all my articles into their eveeel machinations!!

SUBSTACK needs to RECANT this connection, disconnect from these goblins!! There's a. reason the old fables called them GOBLINS!!!

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I couldn't find this setting.

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Well that sucks

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The useless, talentless souls of the "social media" outlets have been stealing my IP for years now.

Not one penny, or any recognition.

To the dragon that was the only one who paid, to sell them and control, you've been setup, and now youve exposed and infected all your mates 😂......keep draggin'

I have been aware of this and have made a few minor adjustments to my posts (which they've missed due to being stupid) to test the theory and lead them down a path that will become apparent very soon, to their doom 😂.

Like Daniel, making the water wells, then the stupid barbarians stealing them.

When asked, why do you not defend your wells?

My answer is

You've been drinking MY water for years.....😂😂😂.

It's tastes bitter/sweet doesn't it?

And now.

The results of your thievery are about to surface, from within.

Still feeling thirsty?

Including this channel, that's run by fish eating "friends" ....

I wonder what happens , when the ideas stop?

Game over.

Adios Amigas.

"A man does not offer a empty hand,

To catch a bird of prey".

To the very few good folk here, your good, for the record.


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While that may be true, here is the flip side....there is no statute of limitations on fraud.....and on a quantum level NOBODY can steal YOUR WORDS, your essence, your energy. They can only pretend to do so by copy, fraud or duplicate. The entire "mens rea" of stealing means there had to be a material gain involved. If one is writing for revenue, then stealing it is, but if one is writing for the pleasure of such, then stealing it isn't, but rather flattery, impersonation and fraud. Flattery because the words hold value, impersonation because NOBODY will ever be me, and fraud because they tried. They wish they had a robot like real intellect. They don't or they would not be, as you say, "stealing." They are trying to build one.

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I think you're missing my point. Obviously nobody can't steal your essence.

They can try, though.

And, our words carry our essence, just like your comment does and mine does.

And, our words are being stolen, uploaded, harvested into a collection to teach, inform, take our words, take our expression through our essence into their computers which people use to print books and make money off of these collected essences, words, expressions of all of ours and SUBSTACT has agreed to do this and most people on here have NO IDEA.

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No, I feel you. I agree, "You don't want your intellectual property pinched and sold." My reason for writing is not for revenue and I want people to steal my words. Why? Because they can't without exposing their own devilment. I write for my family ad our history on this land. Don't be discouraged. Your words matter, regardless. They don't steal trash, do they? Regards

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Thank you!! Beautifully said 💓💓💓💓💓✨️🌟

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Dang! I was afraid of this. I think every creator out there has a fear of their creativity being plagiarized and profited by thieves, and finally, this, along with Reinette's article, confirms it. Now what?

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I haven't read Reinette's article yet. I LOVE her! I'm not signed up on her substack. I'll look for hers. Thank you!

You can, actually, find out through the fine print, so to speak, in Substack's agreements in the behind the scenes selections on every writer's substack channel/account.

I assume that they put this in some fine print on subscriber's agreements, too.

I just found it recently myself within my own writer's account and saw that they are taking our words!!!

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Late to the party! But there's an aspect I want to touch upon that gets missed in the discussion that inevitably centers around the "harvesting", of data, of information, of style, of words expressed or written in a very particular order, of the plagiarization of whole works even. We are not co-eval with this technology that can preempt our very thoughts, moods and feelings and pick our words for us, creating facsimiles, fogged mirrors of reality and of ourselves. Up until yesterday, this lack of evolutionary parity could be anticipated and compensated for. A phone call was (and is) faster than driving but the choice existed (and still exists) to do one or the other, and to do it as per our own self-interest and convenience. The problem is that we are now out-paced and out-gunned because for all our work, thought and effort, a machine can generate a mind product in quantity and effortlessly. For your one essay of substance and soul, a plethora of soulless lookalikes can be emitted. This creates a falsity on so many levels. All hat and no cattle, for anyone paying attention to be fooled, snap at the bait only to be pierced by a hook. But the point that gets missed over and over in the discussion is that we are the end-game to this show. The whole act is for our attention, even if our eventual replacement is the ultimate goal. AI can engage in masturbatory discourse in an empty room from here until the end of time but if we are not there to observe it, it basically ceases to exist in any meaningful way, like an Airstream condemned to create flat seltzer forevermore. So the way out of this paper bag is both astoundingly easy and hard at the same time, hard the way getting off parasite-promoted stimulants and chemicals is hard. We have come to have a false sense of what creates "reality". Remember the analogue days of yore? They are not so far behind that we cannot reconstruct that world. And we are not so far gone that we cannot remember and walk away.

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